I was trying to “prescroll” a UITableView before showing it to the user. I initially tried doing it in “viewWillAppear:”:

class PrescrollDemoViewController : UITableViewController {
	var rowToPrescrollTo:Int?

	override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
		prescrollTableView(animated: false)

	// MARK: Pre-scroll
	func prescrollTableView(#animated:Bool) {
		if let rowToPrescrollTo = rowToPrescrollTo {
			let indexPath = NSIndexPath(forRow: rowToPrescrollTo, inSection: 0)
			self.tableView.scrollToRowAtIndexPath(indexPath, atScrollPosition: .Top, animated: animated)

It works when I was trying to “prescroll” to Row 7, however, the result is not satisfactory when scrolling a bit more downward. I tried “prescrolling” to Row 18 (the last row), and it does not scroll to the correct position:

prescroll in view will appear

Then I tried “prescrolling” in “viewDidAppear:”:

class PrescrollDemoViewController : UITableViewController {

	override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
		prescrollTableView(animated: true)


Using this method, Row 18 scrolls to the correct position, but the user sees the whole “scrolling process”:

prescroll in view did appear

How to “prescroll” to the correct indexPath you wish, without letting the user see the whole “scrolling process”? I figured out a way to do it, which is scrolling in “viewDidLayoutSubviews” with a Bool flag:

class PrescrollDemoViewController : UITableViewController {
	var shouldPrescroll = false
	var rowToPrescrollTo:Int?

	override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {
		shouldPrescroll = true
	override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
		shouldPrescroll = false
	override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
		if shouldPrescroll {
			prescrollTableView(animated: false)

	// MARK: Pre-scroll
	func prescrollTableView(#animated:Bool) {


prescroll in view did layout subviews with a boolean flag

I put the source code of this method in CrazyDemoViewController.swift, as a part of the demo project of YZBasicCells.